
The name of this organization shall be the Zionsville West Middle School Parent Teacher Organization (ZWMS PTO).
The purpose of the PTO shall be:
1. To enhance communications among the parents, teachers and administrators of Zionsville West Middle School PTO.
2. To promote parents' interest and involvement in school activities.
3. To raise funds to be used to assist ZWMS in meeting the objective of providing the best possible education for ZWMS students.
4. To promote and facilitate the education of ZWMS students through enrichment programs and activities.
Membership in the PTO is open to all parents, guardians, teachers and administrators of children enrolled at ZWMS. The Executive Board (as defined in Article IV) may establish annual dues for membership in the PTO.
Section 1. List of Executive Officers:  
1.  President                                                                                                                        
2. Vice President-Administrative Assistance
3. Vice President-Enrichment                                                                                         
4. Vice President-Fundraising                                                                                        
5. Vice President-Staff Services                                                                                     
6. Vice President-Student Services                                                                                  
7. Vice President-Volunteers                                                                                              
8. Vice President-Communications                                                                               
11. Teacher Representative                                                                                            
12. Principal
One or more individuals may be elected to each office. In the event that more than one person is elected for one office, they will share the duties of the office. In addition, other Board officers that might be installed, but not necessarily be a part of the Executive Board may include:                                                                           
1. Assistant Treasurer                                                                                                       
2. Committee Heads                                                                                               
3. Others as Appointed     
Section 2. Authority of Executive Board:        
The Executive Board has the authority to transact the business of the PTO in accordance with these Bylaws.
Section 3. Term of Office:
The term of office for each Officer is June-June. The term of Treasurer will be determined by the incoming and outgoing officer in order to complete necessary tax documents and end of school year reports.
Section 4. Nominations:   
A. Nominating Committee: a nominating committee comprised of the President and two Officers who shall be appointed by a majority of the Board during the February Executive Board Meeting shall nominate Officers. Preferably, nominations for president should be selected from members of the current Executive Board.                                                                    
B. Nominations from Members: In the February Newsletter, the president shall advise the Members to offer nominations of individuals to serve on the Board. The President shall accept all nominations until March PTO Meeting.                                                                                                     
 C. Publication of Nominations: The names of the nominees shall be published on the school web page in March, along with the date of election. (April Executive Board Meeting)                                                  
 D. Elections: A majority vote of all Executive Board Members and general members present at the April Executive Board meeting shall elect officers. Officers elect will serve with the current board for May.                
E. Replacement of Vacancies: In the event of a vacancy of the office of president, a vice president shall be elected to be president by a majority vote of the Executive Board. Other vacancies shall be filled by a majority vote of the Executive Board.                                               
F. Special Committees: The president as required may form special Committees.
Section 1. President: 
The president shall preside at all meetings of the PTO; act as a liaison between the school, principal, the PTO, and other duties as are commonly ascribed to the office.      
Section 2. Vice President-Administrative Assistant:  
The Vice President/Administrative Assistant shall assist the president as directed and shall preside in the absence of the President.
Section 3. Vice President-Enrichment:                                                               
The Vice President-Enrichment shall (in coordination with the principal and teachers) schedule and arrange special programs, projects, and services for the Students of ZWMS, with the PTO Mission statement taking precedence. An example of these programs may include, but not limited to: Teacher Grants.
Section 4. Vice President-Fundraising:                                                                         
The Vice President-Fundraising shall be responsible for all fundraising for the PTO. The fundraising programs may include, but not limited to: annual sponsorship drive, spirit wear, box tops for education and book fairs.
Section 5. Vice President-Staff Services:                                                           
The Vice President-Staff Services shall be responsible for all services to the staff of ZWMS. These services may include, but not limited to: Welcome Back Breakfast, and Fall/Spring Luncheon.
Section 6. Vice President-Student Services:                                                               
The Vice President-Student Services shall be responsible for all services to the students of ZWMS. These services shall include, but not limited to: Student Appreciation and Field Days.
Section 7. Vice President-Volunteers:                                                               
The Vice President-Volunteers shall be responsible for updating current volunteer opportunities on the volunteer website and provide that information to appropriate VP/Chairperson as needed.
Section 8. Vice President-Communications:
The Vice President –Communications shall coordinate communication with the families of ZWEST and the community. Duties include, but are not limited to coordinating information for weekly Parent Update and PTO web page, sending new family welcome letters, press releases and other correspondence as needed.
Section 9. Secretary: The Secretary shall keep an accurate record of all PTO Executive Board Meetings, shall have custody of all books and records pertaining to the business for the PTO except those kept by the treasurer and shall conduct PTO's correspondence. The Secretary will distribute the Executive Board Meeting minutes seven days after the meeting.
Section 10. Treasurer:   The Treasurer shall receive all money, maintain appropriate bank accounts, arrange the liability insurance, pay all authorized bills and financial obligations of the PTO, and shall keep accurate records of such receipts and expenditures. The treasurer shall prepare and file with governmental entities any necessary tax documents or may enlist the aid of a CPA to prepare. The Treasurer will give written financial report at each Board meeting. The Treasurer will also provide Board members with information as to their particular accounts as needed as available.   The Treasurer will prepare "cash boxes" as needed by other Board members for PTO events. The Treasurer will appoint duties to an assistant treasurer as needed.
Section 11. Teacher Representative: The teacher representative shall be responsible for communicating all PTO business to the staff they represent.
Section 12. Principal: The principal shall act as a liaison, representing school and corporation policies and procedures.
Section 1. General Meetings: The Board shall schedule and hold at least one general meeting of the members per semester. At such meetings, the President and the Treasurer shall report the activities of the PTO.
Section 2. Board Meetings:  The Executive Board shall hold meetings as needed transact the business of the PTO. All Board meetings are open to all members. Attendance of the Executive Board Meetings is required of all Executive Board Members.
Section 1. Professionalism: All Executive Board members shall conduct themselves in a professional manner with regard to PTO business. Executive Board members shall refrain from gossip when reporting PTO business to members and others.
Section 2. Fundraising:  All fundraisers conducted by the PTO shall have a pre-approved specific purpose. Executive Board members or fundraising committee chairpersons will not be eligible for any grand prizes given during any fundraisers by the PTO.
Section 3. Expenditures:   All expenditures for the PTO shall be pre-approved by a majority of the Executive Board prior to distribution of funds. Any expenditure in excess for the pre-approved budget designation shall be brought back to the Executive Board for further approval. No individual for the Executive Board shall have the authority to approve expenditures.
ARTICLE VIII. CONFLICT OF INTEREST POLICY.  All Executive Board members shall be required to review  ZWMS’s Conflict of Interest Policy IAW IRS/501 (c)(3) requirements annually.
ARTICLE VIIII. AMENDMENTS                                                                           
These bylaws may be amended by a majority vote of the Executive Board members and members present at any general or Board Meeting.
Article X Dissolution
In the event of dissolution of the Corporation, any assets remaining after payment of all debts of the Corporation shall be transferred by the Corporation to any not-for-profit corporation that the Executive Board may select which is organized for the purpose substantially the same as the Corporation, providing that such organization is exempt under IRS Code Section 501(c)(3).