ZIONSVILLE ATHLETIC BOOSTER CLUB – The ZABC is a non-profit volunteer organization dedicated to enhancing the athletic experience for our middle and high school students both on and off the athletic fields of play. The ZABC’s main goal is to provide funding for equipment, uniforms, medical supplies and any other supplies required to offer first-class athletic programming to our students at ZCHS, ZMS and ZWMS.
Join the ZABC by sending in the form below!
FUNDING FOR ATHLETICS – While the funding formula for the athletic department is somewhat complicated, the simplified version breaks down funding into three main sources:
- ZCS General Fund – Provides monetary support for athletic programs by paying for coaches’ stipends, facility maintenance and custodial services and some capital projects (new construction). Program support fees and any fees charged for the rental of athletic facilities go directly into the General Fund.
- Transportation Budget – Provides most of the funding for athletic related trips to opposing schools.
- Athletic Department Budget – Provides funding for all athletic department expenses including some transportation costs, uniforms, medical supplies, equipment, athletic workers, tournament entry fees, officials and any other supplies. The athletic department budget is supplied by ticket sales, concessions revenues, sports pass sales and ZABC contributions.
The ZABC raises its funds through:
- Memberships program (see “Membership Form” above)
- Community outreach events (“Eagle Fest” and “Eagle Madness”)
- Corporate sponsorships
All ZABC proceeds, minus the ZABC Scholarship, are donated to the ZCHS, ZMS and ZWMS athletic departments for areas where the Athletic Directors suggest they could best be utilized.
ZABC SCHOLARSHIP – Each year, the ZABC also gives two $1,250 non-renewable scholarships to two deserving ZCHS student-athletes (one male, one female) to be used at accredited colleges and universities. This tradition began in 1998 and has rewarded and fostered the growth of our student-athletes as they transition to post-secondary education.
HOW TO HELP – We encourage you to help our student-athletes in MANY ways. Here are a few examples:
- Attend ZCS sporting events
- Attend the ZABC outreach events (Eagle Fest and Eagle Madness)
- Join the ZABC through a family membership
- Become active in ZABC as a volunteer
All interested community members are welcome to attend the monthly ZABC meetings! For more info contact:
ZCHS Athletic Director, Greg Schellhase - [email protected]
ZWMS Athletic Director, Dave Lang - [email protected]
ZMS Athletic Director, Kelly Antcliff - [email protected]
Eagle Fest
This fun filled family picnic features fresh grilled burgers and hot dogs, performances by ZCS student and community groups, face painting, bounce houses, raffles, discounted spirit wear and a special visit by the marching band! Try your hand at plunging the ZCS Administrators in the dunk tank as well! All attendees are charged admission and funds support all ZCS middle and high school teams. Tickets are on sale at the gate or in advance at Kern Bros, Fundae's or the ZCHS, ZMS or ZWEST Athletic Offices.
Although this event is held before the first home Football game, the money raised supports all ZCS middle and high school athletic teams during the year. Please get in touch with the parent contact for your student's sport for more information on helping with, or attending this fun event!
Eagle Madness
It’s GAME TIME! Eagle Madness, a fundraiser sponsored by the Zionsville Athletic Booster Club will take place at a ZCHS girls/boys basketball doubleheader after the new year. The evening will include a 50/50 raffle, silent auction and Kid Zone. All proceeds benefit the athletic programs at ZCHS, ZWEST & ZMS.
ZABC Student Athlete Scholarship
History of the Scholarship
The ZABC Scholarship was started by the Athletic Booster Club in 1998. Each year since this time, the ZABC has offered two $1,250.00 non-renewable scholarships per year to two deserving athletes (one male, one female) to be used at accredited universities and colleges. This tradition has rewarded and fostered the growth of young men and women as they transition from high school to university level.
Who is eligible?
Any senior who has been involved in ZCHS athletics during his/her academic career and who has maintained a GPA of at least 2.5 at ZCHS is eligible to apply for the ZABC scholarship. All applicants must answer questions about their extra-curricular activities while in high school and obtain recommendations from teachers and coaches.
How can I apply?
To apply for this scholarship, please obtain an application in the ZCHS guidance office. Complete all of the required items and return the application to guidance office by April 15, 2017.
Winners of the Athletic Booster Club Scholarship:
Smith and C. Biber, 1998